How to play Tong its online

Each player is dealt 12 cards while the dealer get 13 cards. The game starts when the dealer throw a card. the next person can take the dealer’s discarded card if that card makes a set or adds to a set they already have or takes one from the center stack.
Meld– It is a set of cards that have the same design or are in a row. It must be collected by a player to win the game. When a player collects meld, you have the option to lay it down or keep it. However a player must expose at leeast one meld to call or challenge a draw.

Four of a kind– It has 4 cards with the same numbers.

Joker– You can pair this with 2 numbers that you have the same but you can’do it at meld.

The straight Flush– It is a five-piece card sequence that has the same suit.

Draw– It depends on you and your card if yo want to draw. Most of us players draw when he number of our cards is low.
Burned– This is called burned when you don’t have a house that is demolished or built. You can’t fight if you don’t have a house even if your cards are low.
Stock out– One such method is known as stock-out. In a stock-out situation all stock cards have been taken. All players opened their card to compare their card totals. Whoever has the lowest wins. But if you have a tie, whoever drew the stock card last will win.If there is a tie between the other players, the player to the left of the who drew the last card wins.
Tong its- This is called tong it when all your cards have been melded or when a player’s hand is completely empty after they have dealt their last card. This is an automatic win for the player that it was declared, because their point value for the tally will be 0.
Card point value
- Ace has 1 point
- Cards 2 to 9 carry face value points
- Card 10-King have 10pointts
Tong it Rules
- Do not declare a draw if the game has just started.
- The dealer is considered once the game begins.
- You also can’t fight when you don’t have a meld down.
How to download
- Visit Google Play
- Seach tong it, You have many optoins here
- Download and install Application
- Just fill in what is requested.

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